Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting to know us...

If you have been following this blog or our Facebook page, then I am sure you have heard all of our names before and possibly even met some of us. What you may not know, however, is what our favorite food is or our favorite television show or whether or not we have any pets, etc...

Holly and I decided to get together and compile a list of questions for us to answer so you can do just that, get to know us a little bit better! We are even going to throw in some photos as well, because who doesn't like to look at pictures?!?!

Here are a few photos from my life recently...

My nephew, Anderson, the love of my life!
The wedding in Florida that I went to recently, what an amazing bunch!!  Loved everyone I met that weekend.
I heart sprinkles.
Holly and I in NYC, what an amazing co-worker to have; and I am wearing my favorite earring!!
I rest my case... I love sharks.
Being silly, the best way to be. :)
You know where to find us if you need us!!! (888)894-0073
{posted by Cara}

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


There's just something about the chevron wave that has us hooked!  From jewelry to apparel to home décor, this trend has exploded onto the market. Order our Tribal Beats collection today to jump on the chevron band wagon.

{posted by Tina}

contact us at (888)894-1359 to order and as always, no minimums!!