Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Market...

Things are starting to get a little hectic around Geranium as we prepare to launch our new fall collection, as well as prepare for the many trade shows we will be attending this summer.  From building, to photographing, to tagging... we have been doing it all while drooling over the new line.  I myself have picked out my "can't live with out" pieces and I am sure I am not the only one!

Here is a link with all of our shows for this year: 
We took some photos of the preparation that goes into shipping our booths out to the shows.  We can't wait to see you there!!
Kelsey snapping a few shots.
Samples, samples, samples! This might be one of the most important jobs; making sure we have everything and that they make it to the right place.
Tina's husband even puts time in on getting ready for show season... thank you Matthew!! We would not have a booth if it weren't for him.
More photography by Kelsey... she has an amazing eye and that is one reason our catalog is so beautiful.
Booth one and two getting ready to ship out!!! See you in Atlanta and Philly!
The samples for just one booth!! There are so many; I can't wait to see how it looks when it is finally set up...

If you are attending one of the shows and make an appointment, we will have something special waiting for you!

And as always call
(888)894-1359 with any questions.

{posted by Cara}

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